Friday, October 9, 2009


You must have a minimum of three people in your clan. Your Clan can consist of other clan members but no one person is allowed to be in more than three videos. The video must be no longer than 5 minutes and no shorter than 3 minutes. It must show how many points your team got and where so the judges can verify. The video must be uploaded on to, or before the closing date. The points scored must be in regulation with the points matrix. Failure to comply with the matrix will lead to your demise. You can only count one trick once so if you do a Rodeo Melon from three different angles it only counts as one trick. But if you do a Rodeo Tail, Rodeo Indy and then a Rodeo Melon that is three different tricks. If you do a whole videos of different verities of Rodeos with grabs and spins, that would be impressive and we would all think "wow isn't he/she really good and how little the rest of use are" but we would all get bored of your lack of creativity and probably shun you in social situations. Try and add filler footage as it gets stale watching loads of the same stuff. The last word goes to the audience who will be watching at the final at the prize giving so if they think you didn’t grab that trick… shut up!!

All entries to be submitted by the 10th December!! With all videos to be shown at the shack at Aberdeen Snowsports Centre on the 16th December So GET ON IT YOU GOATS!!!

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